Reservations for the Soldiers & Sweethearts Ball
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Reservations $30 per person through January 24, 2012; student price $20 for ages 13-21. Under 13 free with parent/guardian and will be expected to behave as young ladies and gentlemen.

At-door pricing will include a $10 surcharge and will be available only if space permits.

*** Note that due to the size of the hall this ball is strictly limited to 70 people. ***

Registering by mail
Checks should be made payable to Susan de Guardiola and mailed to: Susan de Guardiola, P.O. Box 8997, New Haven, CT 06532. Please provide an email address as well as a postal address.

Registering online
We are also accepting reservations via Paypal. If you choose to register via Paypal, please include all relevant information (name, address, email). Online reservations include a $3 handling fee.

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! Regular advance rate Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! Student rate (ages 13-21)

In the event of a cancellation, registration is refundable through January 24th only.


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