Photograph by Tweed Photography
Susan de Guardiola
Based in New Haven, Connecticut, USA & Moscow, Russia
- Social Dance Historian
- Dance Teacher (historical, waltz, etc.)
- Dance Caller (social events, balls, weddings, etc.)
- D.J. (blues, fusion, swing, waltz)
While I dance I cannot judge, I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself
from life. I can only be joyful and whole. That is why I dance.
- Hans Bos
This website is in mid-update. Please be patient!
Capering & Kickery my dance history blog
My Gig Calendar (at Capering & Kickery)
Choreographies (my original dances)
Different Waltzes Some waltz styles I teach
Dance Music for Sale
Le Polo (c1880)
The Royal Scotch Quadrilles (1824)
Cupid's Gavotte (1915)
Contact Me