Susan's schottische workshops

75 Years of Schottische
The evolution of the historical schottische: follow the development of the dance from the earliest recorded versions of the mid-19th century through the elaborate variations of the late 19th century and into the lighthearted schottisches of the ragtime era.

Early Schottische
The basics of the dance and several easy variations from the earliest years of its popularity in the mid-19th century.

Late Schottische Variations
Starting with the basic late 19th-century schottische and looking at some of the elaborate variations created by dancing masters of the last twenty years of the century (selected from: Star Schottische, Military Schottische, Gavotte, Loomis New Gavotte, Pas Saute, etc.)

Ragtime Schottische Novelties
The 1915 Castle Schottische and other variations created well after the ballroom heyday of the dance.

Funky Schottische!
Mix and match schottische moves to add variety and interest to the social or folk schottische. Grapevines, syncopation, leaps, and more! Should already know a basic schottische pattern