Susan's 1910's workshops

May: Susan will teach three Ragtime Essentials dance workshops covering one-step, foxtrot, and tango as well as touching on maxixe, hesitation waltz, and half and half for The Elegant Arts Society in New York City on June 3, July 1, and August 5, 2007.

Ragtime One-Step
If you can walk, you can one-step! The easiest dance of the ragtime era.

Ragtime Social Tango
From Argentina to Paris to New York, the tango swept the Western world in the 1910's. Learn the romantic moves of the tango as danced in the ballrooms of early 20th century Europe and America. Note: This is neither Dancesport tango nor Argentine Tango.

Mr. Newman's Tango
A set of easy tango sequences created and published by the noted Philadelphia dancing master in 1914.

Early Foxtrot
Travel back to the earliest days of the foxtrot's popularity with dance moves from the World War I era.

Basic Maxixe
Swirl, sway, and dip through easily leadable moves in this unusual Brazilian import, the ancestor of today's samba!

The Hesitation Waltz
Pauses and hesitations to ornament the very fast waltzes of the mid-1910s.

The Half & Half
The exotic 5/4 waltz that was a brief fad in the mid-1910s.

Ragtime Waltz Sampler
A taste of three different styles of waltz from the 1890s through the 1910s: the new waltz, the hesitation waltz, and the 5/4-meter half & half.

Ragtime Schottische Novelties
The 1915 Castle Schottische and other variations created well after the ballroom heyday of the dance.