Susan's late Victorian/Belle Epoque workshops

April: Susan will be teaching two Victorian dance workshops and precepting a formal ball at Cape May Vintage Dance Weekend, April 28-29, 2007, in beautiful Cape May, New Jersey.

August: Susan will be teaching beginning 19th century dance at Newport Vintage Dance Week with Antonia Pugliese. Material will include waltz, polka, schottische, and galop.

This fall: Susan will teach three mid- to late Victorian era dance workshops for The Elegant Arts Society in New York City! Details are still to be determined, but the class dates are September 9, October 7, and November 4, 2007.

The New Waltz
The basics of the new waltz in its gliding and leaping versions; also, variations such as the Metropole, Bowdoin, Gavotte Glide, and Polka Dot Waltz. May also include reversing and sequences such as the Rye Waltz or the Veleta.

Late Schottische Variations
Starting with the basic late 19th-century schottische and looking at some of the elaborate variations created by dancing masters of the last twenty years of the century (selected from: Star Schottische, Military Schottische, Gavotte, Loomis New Gavotte, Pas Saute, etc.)

Polka & Galop (1 hour)
Basic nineteenth-century polka and galop and easy variations such as the Esmerelda and Bohemian.