The Zionist-Arab Conflict
A little light reading on an exceedingly heavy topic.
In the last couple of years, I've found myself rattling off this list so often that it seemed like a good idea to commit it to some permanent format, so I could just hand people the link and be done with it.
So, what follows is a list of (English-language) books that serve as a good set of resources for anyone who is interested in calling themselves "well-read" on the subject of the assorted conflicts involving Israel in the middle east.
No warranty is expressed or implied here, except that I personally happened to find these books enlightening or interesting. This list is not meant to be exhaustive; it just covers my personal highlights.
Where possible, I have included links to where you can buy the books in question. A few of the volumes are out of print; I suggest trying (in order), EBay, Half.Com, and Bookfinder. (N.B. you should probably only use bookfinder as an absolute last resort: their quoted prices tend to be 5 to 10 times as much as I've found the same book for in local used book stores.)